ELOVI (Morinaga Corp)


Elovi Aloe Vera Yogurt has improved with 4 times bigger jelly than usual. To bring more coolness to their consumers. However, the brand awareness is still “low” with this upgrade.


By keeping the key point of yogurt products is “appetizing” and the benefit of aloe vera is to bring freshness to the body. Elovi will focus on exploiting these two key values through brand positioning on social platforms, advertising posts and conveyed images.

Main SOW

Proposing communications plan for brands: including social proposition, key activities, content direction and advertising plans (media paid).


is the number of participations in the "organic" mini-game.
is the amount of engagement after 1 month. Exceeded 35.51% KPIs.
is the amount of reach after 1 month. Exceeded 38.24% KPIs